
Deeply rooted in the philosophy of its founder, the boarding house at St.George’s School in Cologne serves as an extended family, fostering a profound sense of belonging that endures well beyond the students' graduation.

Nestled in the heart of our bustling campus, our boarding house offers a welcoming home away from home for students aged 14 to 18 to immerse themselves in a transformative living experience. Here, in a wonderfully diverse, multi-cultural community, students embrace the opportunity to forge lifelong friendships while building their academic and personal skills.



British boarding in Cologne, Germany

Choosing our British international boarding school in Cologne means providing your child with an exceptional educational experience enriched by cultural diversity and global perspectives.

We invite you to discover how our unique setting and comprehensive approach to education can benefit your child’s future, whether they arrive independently or with their families relocating to Germany.

Global perspective with local integration

We are celebrated for our exceptional academic standards and holistic approach. By integrating the British curriculum with the research-driven methodology of the IB, our students experience an ideal fusion of educational methods. We seamlessly blend this pedagogical framework with Germany’s rich cultural and historical context, providing a unique learning experience.

Our residential students have the chance to explore the dynamic Cologne region, participate in local events, and build connections with peers from around the world. They experience the best of both worlds - gaining a global perspective through the British international approach, while integrating into German society, learning the language, and understanding European culture.

Strategic location in the heart of Europe

Cologne’s central location in Europe, combined with the European Union’s travel policies, makes it an ideal base for our boarding students. They can easily travel and explore various European countries, immersing themselves in diverse cultures and destinations. This geographical advantage not only enriches their learning experiences but also encourages cross-cultural understanding and broadens their horizons.

Rich historical and cultural heritage

Europe’s extensive history and cultural heritage offer students the chance to explore historic sites, museums, and landmarks. This immersion in history and culture not only enriches their educational journey but also plays a crucial role in shaping their character and enhancing their global cultural understanding. Engaging with Europe’s rich tapestry of traditions and historical contexts provides valuable background for their studies while broadening their perspectives and fostering personal growth. 

Enhanced career opportunities

Germany stands as a global leader in economy and commerce, renowned for its robust economic framework and influential presence in international trade. As Europe's largest economy and the fourth largest in the world, Germany excels in various sectors, including automotive manufacturing, engineering, and technological innovation. Its strategic position at the heart of Europe, coupled with a highly skilled workforce and advanced infrastructure, solidifies its status as a critical hub for global business and economic activity. Our residential pupils benefit from this thriving economic environment and exposure to world-class industries and cutting-edge technologies.

By organising internships and job placements with leading German industries and international companies based in Germany, we significantly enhance our students' career prospects. This practical experience complements their academic learning and language proficiency, giving them a distinct advantage in the global job market.

Strong international connections

Studying at St. George’s in Cologne offers students the chance to engage with a global community of peers, teachers, and professionals, fostering valuable international connections and networking opportunities that benefit their future careers and personal growth. The diverse student body in our British International boarding house enriches their educational experience by providing a global perspective and encouraging cross-cultural friendships and understanding. This international exposure enhances their learning journey, preparing them for success in a connected world.

Proximity to family and background

Choosing our British International boarding house in Cologne as their second home, enables German pupils to stay within their familiar cultural and linguistic environment while still benefiting from an excellent, globally recognised international education.

Remaining closer to home allows them to easily visit family and friends during holidays and breaks, while also enabling their parents and siblings to actively participate in school activities, festivities, and sports competitions. This proximity provides essential emotional support and stability, allowing our local students to stay connected with their roots and cultural context. It helps them balance their journey towards becoming global citizens with a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Understanding their own background while engaging with diverse cultures fosters a well-rounded perspective, essential for personal growth and global awareness. This harmonious blend of local connections and international experiences enriches their educational journey and shapes them into more empathetic and culturally aware individuals.

Seamless integration into the local education system

Studying in Germany but following the British international approach allows students to transition more smoothly between the British and German education systems if they wish to return to a local school. It also helps with university applications in Germany, where having a strong international background can be advantageous.

Opportunities of a multilingual environment

Studying as a resident in our boarding school in Cologne, provides students with the opportunity to become bilingual or even multilingual. They benefit from English-language instruction while continuing to use and improve their German language skills.

Mastering German perfectly as an additional language offers significant advantages for both German students and international learners. For German students, achieving fluency in both German and English provides them with a competitive edge in global markets, enhancing their professional and academic opportunities. Similarly, for students from around the world, our school’s comprehensive programme allows them to attain fluent English skills, become proficient in German, and master their native language. This multilingual proficiency not only enriches their personal and professional lives but also equips them with a versatile skill set highly valued in the increasingly interconnected global landscape. 

Cost and logistical considerations

Attending our British International boarding school in Germany avoids additional expenses related to international travel and relocation. It also simplifies your logistical arrangements, such as managing paperwork and coordinating with local institutions.

Personal growth and independence

Under the guidance of dedicated boarding tutors and support staff, our students are empowered to take ownership of their academic journey while receiving the nurturing care that mirrors the support of a family away from home.

The wellbeing and happiness of each boarder is our top priority. Our dedicated team of UK-trained resident tutors, who also teach in the main school, collaborates closely with academic staff to support students’ development and success. This dual role helps to strengthen the connection between the boarding house and academic life. Additionally, our visiting tutor programme enriches the house community by bringing teachers from the main school into the boarding house during the evenings. These tutors not only assist with studies but also engage with students in their games, activities, and hobbies, fostering a well-rounded and supportive environment.

In our 24-hour boarding environment, staff live alongside the boarders, offering constant support, guidance, and advice. This tightly connected setup ensures that students receive ongoing care and attention. Our structured routine is crafted to help boarders make the most of their time, with supervised homework sessions and personalised assistance available to enable their academic and personal growth.

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The shared living spaces and close-knit boarding community allow students from different cultural backgrounds to enjoy the camaraderie of new friends and learn independence within a supportive environment. Our boarders are integrated seamlessly into school life and in the evenings and on weekends, enjoy a fun and busy schedule of activities.

Through our prefect structure and House Council, students continually play a direct role in helping to improve our boarding community whilst also developing skills in communication, leadership and teamwork. We encourage these skills further with challenging team building activities designed to transcend cultural differences, build common understanding and give every member of the boarding house an opportunity to shine.


Boarding life

We provide a structured week for our boarding students which offers scheduled time for study, meals and activities as well as opportunities for time for exploration and relaxation.

During this time, students can immerse themselves in the local village, join sports clubs, and explore the vibrant city of Cologne. Older students enjoy greater independence, managing their own studies with oversight from our boarding tutors, while younger students receive additional support from tutors and senior students to overcome any academic challenges. 

Each term, we offer a dynamic range of activities, including competitions such as table tennis, art competitions, and musical performances. Students also benefit from regular weekend trips to popular local spots, such as go-karting, laser-tag, and the English Cinema, as well as special outings to Phantasialand and the Cologne Christmas Markets. We extend these adventures further afield, exploring the picturesque countryside to the east of the city and other attractions throughout Nordrhein-Westphalia, ensuring a rich and varied experience for all.

The facilities

Our purpose-built boarding facilities are equipped with all the essentials for comfortable living and blend modern comforts with a homely atmosphere.

Whether as full-time residents or weekly boarders, students enjoy access to a range of recreational and learning amenities, from indoor lounges equipped with snooker and table tennis tables, to outdoor spaces for leisure and relaxation. With high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity available throughout, staying connected is easy.

A kitchen is also provided, in which our students are often found socialising and preparing food. They learn to cook and bake with staff for our student competitions. Our resident students benefit from access to local sports clubs and facilities as well as open use of the extensive sports facilities within the school Campus.

Students who excel in music and art are encouraged to spend time practising and pursuing these activities in their free time. They have access to the school music facilities in the evening and benefit from the use of several pianos on campus and well-equipped music rooms in which to practise.

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Boarding options

At St.George’s, we provide a variety of boarding options tailored to meet the needs of both your family and your child. Our boarding packages are designed to accommodate local students as well as those from around the globe.

Full boarding

Full boarding students reside on campus for the entire semester and return home during the holidays. They participate in a variety of engaging evening and weekend activities while also having ample time to unwind, complete their homework, and use campus facilities. If a full boarder has a local guardian or family member, they may visit off-campus with parental permission.

Weekly boarding

Weekly boarding students can fully engage in campus life during the weekdays and return home on weekends. They check into the boarding house on Sunday evening and leave for home on Friday afternoon.

The advantages of weekly boarding include:

  • Access to academic support and specialists beyond regular school hours
  • Avoidance of lengthy daily commutes
  • A well-equipped boarding house that provides a comfortable and focused environment for studying within the peer group without disruption and distraction
  • Availability of sporting facilities for recreation after school hours
  • A supportive, family-like atmosphere away from home
Flexible boarding

Flexible boarding allows students to stay in the boarding house for shorter durations. This option is particularly advantageous in several scenarios:

  • When parents are traveling and want their child to continue attending school without interruption
  • During exam periods, when it is beneficial for the student to be in a structured environment with access to academic support and tutors
  • In unexpected emergencies, such as if a parent or guardian is hospitalised

Flexible boarding is subject to availability in the boarding houses and can be requested based on current space.


Links to transport

Cologne's strategic location near major international airports offers significant benefits for our boarding students.

With Cologne Bonn Airport, Düsseldorf Airport, and Frankfurt Airport all within easy reach, students can travel home conveniently for visits or holidays. Additionally, the close proximity of these airports makes it simple for family and friends to visit them in Cologne, ensuring that students maintain strong connections with their loved ones while enjoying the rich experiences their educational journey at St.George’s School in Cologne has to offer.