Technology Integration

Technology is an integral part of young people's lives, and at St.George's, we fully embrace the possibilities it offers to enhance and extend learning. By combining technology with traditional methods, we create a powerful educational experience that allows our teachers and students to innovate and enjoy learning, both in and outside the classroom.

At St.George's, we foster an environment where technology and innovation flourish, inspiring our students to achieve new heights in their educational journey. With that commitment, we prioritise maintaining a balanced and effective learning environment by ensuring that technology complements rather than replaces traditional learning tools.


Providing resources

We harness the power of technology to create immersive and exciting learning experiences, transforming conventional education into dynamic adventures that captivate and inspire.

With virtual reality (VR) technology, our students can explore 3D environments, experiencing ancient civilisations, oceanic depths, or the inner workings of the human body - all from the classroom. Gamification brings the excitement of games into learning, motivating students to engage deeply with their studies, better retain information, and develop a love for learning.

Our interactive floor hosts educational games that teach subjects such as maths, science, and geography, converting traditional lessons into playful activities, while gamified language apps turn vocabulary learning into an interactive quest. This innovative approach encourages active participation, fosters collaboration and competition, and makes learning vivid and enjoyable.

By providing access to tablets, interactive whiteboards, and advanced learning management systems, we create a dynamic and interactive classroom experience that enhances student engagement and learning outcomes.

Our commitment to technology integration goes beyond these tools; we actively encourage the use of coding and robotics programmes to teach problem-solving and computational thinking. Through these programmes, students develop essential skills that prepare them for the technological advancements of the future.

Smart spaces

Our students have access to a wealth of digital devices that transform and deepen their learning experience. We offer dedicated Makerspaces and a Media and Communication suite, each equipped with tools designed for creativity and innovation.

In our Makerspaces, students can engage with programming and robotics devices such as LEGO WeDO, Sphero, BlueBots, Spike Prime, and Mindstorms education sets. These spaces are designed to foster hands-on learning and exploration in technology and engineering.

Our Media and Communication suite is equipped with video and photo devices, professional lighting equipment, a green screen, and editing hardware and software, allowing students to bring their creative projects to life. Additionally, our recording booth offers a professional environment for audio production, further enhancing their learning experience.

These modern, fit-for-purpose spaces empower our students to engage in energetic, interactive learning, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a passion for learning in every subject area.

Enabling the teacher

We ensure that both students and teachers have access to the technological tools and resources necessary to support innovative teaching and learning practices.

Beyond equipping our classrooms with the latest educational technologies and tools that help bring lessons to life, and making abstract concepts tangible and accessible, we recognise the importance of empowering our teachers with the skills and confidence to effectively integrate new technologies and methodologies into their teaching.

To this end, we offer comprehensive training and ongoing support for our educators. Our professional development programmes are designed to ensure that teachers are well-versed in the latest educational technologies and innovative teaching strategies. By providing this support, we enable our teachers to create dynamic and effective learning environments that inspire and engage students.



Responsive technology

Through responsive technology, we tailor challenges to each student's level, ensuring they progress effectively. Our approach fosters a safe space for exploration, where mistakes are part of learning and ideas are shared freely. Students can track their growth, develop essential skills, and prepare for the future in an environment that is as dynamic as it is supportive.



Digital literacy

In today's digital age, mastering technology is crucial. Our comprehensive digital literacy curriculum covers essential skills such as coding, online research, digital citizenship, and cybersecurity. Students learn to use technology responsibly and effectively, preparing them for future academic and professional success. We also educate both students and parents on responsible online behaviour, encouraging a safe and positive digital experience for all.


unique education model

As an educational organisation we are pioneering in four key areas which are the pillars supporting our work as educators and employers, and informing our wider economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.