Career Counselling

Our dedicated career counselling programme is designed to support, inspire, and enable students to make informed decisions about their academic and professional pathways.

We are committed to preparing our students for success in their future. Our comprehensive career counselling programme is an integral part of this mission, providing the guidance and support needed to navigate the complex world of education and employment.



Unlocking potential, empowering futures

The role of our dedicated careers and university guidance counsellor is pivotal in guiding and supporting our students through their educational journeys and into their future careers.

They provide individualised guidance through one- on-one sessions, helping our students understand their interests, strengths, and aspirations. Using various assessment tools and personalised conversations, they assist them in identifying potential career paths that align with their passions and skills. By understanding their strengths and interests, students gain confidence in their abilities and feel empowered to pursue their chosen paths. This newfound clarity often leads to enhanced academic performance, as our students are more motivated and focused on their studies.

The career counselling service also plays a crucial role in academic planning, advising students on selecting the right subjects and extracurricular activities that support their career goals. They assist students in making informed choices for their IGCSE, or IB Diploma Programme, ensuring they meet the prerequisites for their desired university and career. This personalised approach helps our students reduce anxiety and uncertainty about their educational and professional choices.

It’s Empowering students to navigate their unique journey, we offer more than guidance; we provide a compass for their aspirations. In an international landscape, our role is to illuminate diverse pathways, helping each individual forge a future that aligns with their passions and potential. By revealing global opportunities and perspectives, we not only prepare them to thrive in an interconnected world but also guide them toward careers that bring satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment, ensuring they find true meaning in their professional lives.



Additionally, our dedicated career counsellor guides students through the university and college application process, providing insights on selecting institutions, preparing application materials, and meeting deadlines. This support includes crafting compelling personal statements, securing recommendation letters, and preparing for interviews.

Each year, we host a large university fair, bringing numerous higher education institutions together in one place, allowing students to explore their options and interact with representatives from various universities. Additionally, throughout the year, we welcome a wide range of university admissions departments to our school, offering students direct access to information and advice from top institutions.

Through workshops, seminars, and guest speaker events, students are exposed to a wide range of professions and industries, helping them gain a better understanding of the job market and the skills required for different careers. They facilitate opportunities for our students to gain practical experience through internships, work placements, and volunteer activities, which are invaluable in building resumes and developing professional skills.

Furthermore, our career counsellors conduct workshops on essential career skills such as resume writing, interview techniques, networking, and professional etiquette, equipping students with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive job market. Each aspect of their role is designed to ensure that our students are well-prepared, confident, and ready to navigate their future careers successfully.

We actively engage with our alumni, welcoming them back to assist current students in making informed choices. This network of connections highlights the wide-reaching success of our graduates and inspires our students by demonstrating how far our alumni go and the dreams and aspirations they achieve.


unique education model

As an educational organisation we are pioneering in four key areas which are the pillars supporting our work as educators and employers, and informing our wider economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.