Duke of Edinburgh

Operating in more than 130 countries and territories around the world, the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) International Award is a globally recognised voluntary, non-competitive youth development programme, that challenges participants to engage in activities across four key areas: volunteering, physical fitness, skills development, and expeditions. Participants work towards achieving three levels of the award: Bronze, Silver, and Gold, each level progressively more challenging and rewarding.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) is a valuable addition to our curriculum, offering students opportunities for personal development outside of traditional academic subjects. By offering the programme we empower young people to develop essential life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication, to embrace challenges, and to make a positive impact in their communities. Through participating in a variety of activities, students gain exposure to new experiences, interests, and challenges, fostering personal growth and a broader perspective on the world around them. The volunteering component of the DofE encourages students to give back to their communities, instilling values of social responsibility, empathy, and civic engagement.

Our students eagerly engage in a diverse range of activities to fulfill their award requirements, showcasing remarkable commitment and dedication. As part of their voluntary work, they are actively involved in supporting our local community. Additionally, many students are a source of inspiration for younger pupils, devoting their time to mentoring, whether it's through coaching in academics or sports activities. Others impress with their culinary prowess and collaborative spirit, exemplifying the values of teamwork and service.

The level of the award that pupils undertake depends on their age, experience, and commitment. At all three levels the Award encourages participants to set goals, plan their activities, and reflect on their experiences, promoting personal growth, resilience, and a sense of achievement.

The Bronze Award is typically undertaken by our students in Year 10 & 11. This level introduces them to the basic concepts of the award and involves activities in four areas: volunteering, physical activity, skills development, and an expedition.

The Silver Award is usually pursued by students in Year 12. The Silver level builds on the skills developed in Bronze and requires participants to engage in longer-term volunteering, improve their physical fitness and skills, and undertake a more challenging adventurous journey.

At Gold level the DofE program is designed to be flexible and accessible to young people aged 16 to 24, allowing them to pursue the award at their own pace even after they have completed their International Baccalaureate (IB) or are no longer enrolled in school. It is the most demanding and includes volunteering for a significant period, developing skills to a high level, participating in physical activities regularly, and completing a challenging expedition, often in a remote or unfamiliar environment.

Completing the DofE award levels is a significant achievement for our students, that is recognised internationally, showcasing their dedication, perseverance, and accomplishments. The skills and experiences gained through the Duke of Edinburgh programme prepare students for future academic and career endeavors, equipping them with essential skills and qualities that are highly valued by universities and employers.


unique education model

As an educational organisation we are pioneering in four key areas which are the pillars supporting our work as educators and employers, and informing our wider economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.